Data pro práci na semináři a bonusové úkoly

Popis proměnných v datasetu Countries:

Jméno proměnné Popis Zdroj
country Country name
code Two digit coutry code
gdp GDP in the milions of EUR (2018) Eurostat
population Country population on the 1.1.2018 Eurostat
area Area of the country CIA factbook
eu_member Is the country a EU member? (2019) European Union
postsoviet Was the country a member of the Eastern block Wikipedia
life_exp Life expectancy at birth (2017) UN
uni_prc % of people with university education between 15-64 years (2018) Eurostat
poverty_risk % of people in risk of poverty (2017) Eurostat
material_dep % of people in material deprivation, 3 or less items (2017) Eurostat
hdi Human development index (2018) UN
foundation_date Date of founding Wikipedia
maj_belief Biggest religious group (2018) Pew Researcher Center

Data pro zápočtové úkoly